
IB PHYSICS HL (Yr 2) Weekly Agenda and Notes 2012-2013

Page history last edited by Anonymous 11 years, 7 months ago


3 - 7 June


Seriously? It's over, move on :)



27 - 31 May


"Experience is the worst teacher; it gives the test before presenting the lesson."

-Vern Law



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(I can...


Monday, 27th 

(no notes)


Tuesday, 28th 

-work on Final Project

-retake part of Final Exam

Wednesday, 29th 

-Seniors Last Day! Congrats!

-LN2 Ice Cream day

-Final Project presentations

  • impress my classmates with Physics! 
DUE: Final Project 
Thursday, 30th  ...     
Friday, 31st 


Graduation @ Mpls Convention Center: 8:00 pm




20 - 24 May


"You do not really understand something unless you can explain it to your grandmother."

-Albert Einstein



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(I can...

Monday, 20th 

-get Final Project idea approved 

-work on Final Project

Tuesday, 21st -work on Final Project     
Wednesday, 22nd  -work on Final Project     

Thursday, 23rd 

(no notes)

-Valleyfair Physics Day

-work on Final Project 

Friday, 24th  -work on Final Project     



13 - 17 May


"Washington is the only place where sound travels faster than light."

-C.V.R. Thompson



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(I can...


Monday, 13th

(no notes: sub)

-review for final     
Tuesday, 14th  -FINAL EXAM: Paper 1     
Wednesday, 15th  -FINAL EXAM: Paper 2 or 3     
Thursday, 16th 

-return textbooks

-write advice for next year's HL2 students   

Friday, 17th  -Final Project 
  • impress my classmates with Physics!  
Final project (due Tuesday, 28 May



6 - 10 May


“Twinkle, twinkle little star

I don’t wonder what you are

For by the spectroscopic ken

I know you are hydrogen.”

-Lewis Fry Richardson



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(I can...


Monday, 6th

(no notes)


IB Physics SL/HL Papers 1 & 2

8:30 AM at Shir Tikvah

Tuesday, 7th 

-work on options packet

IB Physics SL/HL Paper 3

12:30 PM at Shir Tikvah 

Wednesday, 8th  -"review for final"    
Thursday, 9th  -"review for final"    

Friday, 10th

(no notes)

-"review for final"    



29 April - 3 May


"About light I am in the dark."

-Benjamin Franklin



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(I can...

Monday, 29th 

-SL: work on options

-HL: Eq'n review & MC practice Topics 9-11

Tuesday, 30th 

-SL: work on options

-HL: Eq'n review & MC practice Topics 12-13


Wednesday, 1st 

14.1 PPT

-SL: work on options

-HL: Eq'n review & MC practice Topic 14 

Thursday, 2nd 

FINAL EXAM: Paper 1 

-SL/HL: work on practice papers


Friday, 3rd

14.2 PPT

FINAL EXAM: Paper 2 (partial)

-SL: work on options

-HL: Eq'n review & MC practice Topic 14 




22 - 26 April


"The observer, when he seems to himself to be observing a stone, is really, if physics is to be believed, observing the effects of the stone upon himself."

-Bertrand Russell



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(I can...

Monday, 22nd

-SL/HL: MC practice Topics 1-4


get a 7/7 on the IB Physics Exam!

MC Questions

MC Answers 

Tuesday, 23rd 

-SL/HL: Eq'n review & MC practice Topics 5

Wednesday, 24th 

-SL/HL: Eq'n review & MC practice Topics 6

Thursday, 25th 

-SL/HL: Eq'n review & MC practice Topics 7&8

Friday, 26th 

-SL/HL: practice Paper 1

-SL/HL: practice Paper 2 passed out


SL/HL: Paper 1 (due at end of class)

SL/HL: Paper 2 (due Monday



15 - 19 April


"I'm spending a year dead for tax reasons."

-Douglas Adams



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(I can...


Monday, 15th 

(no notes)



Tuesday, 16th

(no notes)

SL: going over Practice Test #2

HL: peer grading of Practice Test #1


  Practice Test (due Monday
Wednesday, 17th 

finish peer grading of Practice Tests

Thursday, 18th 

L&D: Going over the Data Booklet


Friday, 19th 

continue to work on Practice Tests




8 - 12 April


"A physicist is an atom's way of knowing about atoms."

-George Wald



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(I can...

Monday, 8th  IB Exam Review  get a 7 on the IB Exam!   
Tuesday, 9th  IB Exam Review     
Wednesday, 10th  IB Exam Review     
Thursday, 11th 

IB Exam Review 


Friday, 12th  IB Exam Review     


1 - 5 April




25 - 29 March


"We do not see the lens through which we look."

-Ruth Benedict



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(I can...

Monday, 25th  L&D: Galaxies and the Expanding Universe 

E.6.1 Describe the distribution of galaxies in the universe.

E.6.2 Explain the red-shift of light from distant galaxies.

E.6.3 Solve problems involving red-shift and the recession speed of galaxies.

E.6.4 State Hubble’s law.

E.6.5 Discuss the limitations of Hubble’s law.

E.6.6 Explain how the Hubble constant may be determined.

E.6.7 Explain how the Hubble constant may be used to estimate the age of the universe.

E.6.8 Solve problems involving Hubble’s law.

E.6.9 Explain how the expansion of the universe made possible the formation 

of light nuclei and atoms.


Tuesday, 26th    class time for HW   

Wednesday, 27th 


2nd Astro ppt

  class time for HW   
Thursday, 28th    class time for HW DUE: E5&E6 HW packet  
Friday, 29th  NO SCHOOL!    Forget about physics for a week (due Monday, 8 April)



18 - 22 March


"A little Madness in the Spring

Is wholesome even for the King."

-Emily Dickinson



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(I can...

Monday, 18th  -Review for Test   

DUE: E4 HW packet 


E4 HW Key

Tuesday, 19th (no notes) NO CLASS     
Wednesday, 20th (no notes)          Dr. Skillman presenting on Comets    
Thusday, 21st    

TEST (Astrophysics: E1-E4)                                                        

-3" x 5" card and IB data booklet

Friday, 22nd

L&D: Stellar Processes and Stellar Evolution 

(video lesson)

E.5.1 Describe the conditions that initiate fusion in a star.

E.5.2 State the effect of a star’s mass on the end product of nuclear fusion.

E.5.3 Outline the changes that take place in nucleosynthesis when a star leaves the main sequence and becomes a red giant.

E.5.4 Apply the mass–luminosity relation.

E.5.5 Explain how the Chandrasekhar and Oppenheimer–Volkoff limits are used to predict the fate of stars of different masses.

E.5.6 Compare the fate of a red giant and a red supergiant.

E.5.7 Draw evolutionary paths of stars on an HR diagram.

E.5.8 Outline the characteristics of pulsars.

E5&E6 HW packet (due Wed, 27 March)





11 - 15 March


We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars.

-Oscar Wilde



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(I can...

Monday, 11th 

-class time for HW 

Tuesday, 12th 

-Qs on HW?

-HW Quiz 

  DUE: E2/E3 HW  packet
Wednesday, 13th  L&D: "Billions and billions..." 

E.4.1 Describe Newton’s model of the universe.

E.4.2 Explain Olbers’ paradox.

E.4.3 Suggest that the red-shift of light from galaxies indicates that the universe is expanding.

E.4.4 Describe both space and time as originating with the Big Bang.

E.4.5 Describe the discovery of cosmic microwave background (CMB) 

radiation by Penzias and Wilson.

E.4.6 Explain how cosmic radiation in the microwave region is consistent with the Big Bang model.

E.4.7 Suggest how the Big Bang model provides a resolution to Olbers’ 



Read pp 381-382

and this


E4 HW packet (due Monday, 18 March

Thursday, 14th  L&D:  "The Undiscovered Country"

E.4.8 Distinguish between the terms open, flat and closed when used to describe the development of the universe.

E.4.9 Define the term critical density by reference to a flat model of the 

development of the universe.

E.4.10 Discuss how the density of the universe determines the development 

of the universe.

E.4.11 Discuss problems associated with determining the density of the 


E.4.12 State that current scientific evidence suggests that the universe is open.


Friday, 15th  class time for HW 

E.4.13 Discuss an example of the international nature of recent astrophysics research.

E.4.14 Evaluate arguments related to investing significant resources 

into researching the nature of the universe. 




4 - 8 March


"Magnetism is one of the Six Fundamental Forces of the Universe, with the other five being Gravity, Duct Tape, Whining, Remote Control, and the Force That Pulls Dogs To The Groins Of Strangers."

-Dave Barry



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(I can...

Monday, 4th 

-L&D: "Twinkle, twinkle, little star, How I wonder what you are" 

-class time for packet

E.2.1 State that fusion is the main energy source of stars

E.2.2 Explain that, in a stable star (for example, our Sun), there is an equilibrium between radiation pressure and gravitational pressure.

E.2.3 Define the luminosity of a star.

E.2.4 Define apparent brightness and state how it is measured

E.2.5 Apply the Stefan–Boltzmann law to compare the luminosities of different stars.

E.2.6 State Wien’s (displacement) law and apply it to explain the connection between the colour and temperature of stars.


DUE: HW packet, Rotating Sky Lab, Star Spectra Gizmo


Read 373-376

HW packet (due Tuesday, 11 Mar)

Tuesday, 5th  GIZMO: H-R Diagram 

E.2.9 Describe the different types of star (single and binary stars, Cepheids, red giants, red supergiants and white dwarfs)

E.2.10 Identify the general regions of star types on a Hertzsprung–Russell (HR) diagram.


Gizmo sheet (due at end of class) 
Wednesday, 6th 

-L&D: "Up above the world so high"

-class time for packet

E.3.1 Define the parsec.

E.3.2 Describe the stellar parallax method of determining the distance to a star.

E.3.3 Explain why the method of stellar parallax is limited to measuring stellar distances less than several hundred parsecs.

E.3.4 Solve problems involving stellar parallax.



Thursday, 7th 

-L&D: "Then you show your little light" 

-class time for packet

E.3.5 Describe the apparent magnitude scale

E.3.6 Define absolute magnitude

E.3.7 Solve problems involving apparent magnitude, absolute magnitude and distance.

E.3.8 Solve problems involving apparent brightness and apparent magnitude.


Friday, 8th 

-L&D: "By your spectroscopic ken"

-class time for packet 

E.3.9 State that the luminosity of a star may be estimated from its spectrum.

E.3.10 Explain how stellar distance may be determined using apparent brightness and luminosity.

E.3.11 State that the method of spectroscopic parallax is limited to measuring stellar distances less than about 10 Mpc.

E.3.12 Solve problems involving stellar distances, apparent brightness and luminosity.

E.3.13 Outline the nature of a Cepheid variable.

E.3.14 State the relationship between period and absolute magnitude for Cepheid variables.

E.3.15 Explain how Cepheid variables may be used as “standard candles”

E.3.16 Determine the distance to a Cepheid variable using the luminosity–period relationship.





25 February - 1 March


"Nnoooo...not the magnet!"




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(I can...

Monday, 25th 

-L&D: Intro to the Universe, nbd

(Universe Scale)

E.1.1 Outline the general structure of the solar system.

E.1.2 Distinguish between a stellar cluster and a constellation.

E.1.3 Define the light year.

E.1.4 Compare the relative distances between stars within a galaxy and between galaxies, in terms of order of magnitude.

-Read 371-373 (Intro to the Universe)

-HW packet (due Monday)

Tuesday, 26th 

-L&D: Retro is the new black  

-LAB: The Rotating Sky

E.1.5 Describe the apparent motion of the stars/constellations over a period of a night and over a period of a year, and explain these observations in terms of the rotation and revolution of the Earth. 

-Rotating Sky lab packet (due Wednesday at end of class
Wednesday, 27th  LAB cont'd   DUE: Rotating Sky lab packet 
Thursday, 28th 

GIZMO: Star Spectra

Parent-Teacher Conferences: 4:00 - 8:00 pm

(in small gyms, no appt needed)

E.2.7 Explain how atomic spectra may be used to deduce chemical and physical data for stars.

E.2.8 Describe the overall classification system of spectral classes (OBAFGKM).


-lab sheet (due at end of hour

Friday, 1st

(no notes)


Parent-Teacher Conferences 8:00 - Noon

(in teacher's room, no appt needed)




18 - 22 February


"The first principle is that you must not fool yourself - and you are the easiest person to fool."

-Richard Feynman



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(I can...

Monday, 18th  NO SCHOOL!     
Tuesday, 19th  continue work on IAs     

Wednesday, 20th

(no notes)

continue work on IAs     
Thursday, 21st  continue work on IAs     
Friday, 22nd  continue work on IAs   

DUE: both final drafts of IAs 

(by 4:00 pm, no extensions)

extended to 8:30 am Monday



11 - 15 February


"Edison failed 10, 000 times before he made the electric light. Do not be discouraged if you fail a few times."

-Napoleon Hill


"I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work."

-Thomas Alva Edison



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(I can...

Monday, 11th  -continue work on IAs    two IB IA final drafts (due Friday, 22 Feb)

Tuesday, 12th

(no notes)

-field trip to Leonardo's basement #1

-get ideas, commit, start building device


Wednesday, 13th

(no notes) 

-continue work on IAs     

Thursday, 14th

(no notes) 

-field trip to Leonardo's basement #2

-finishing building device 

Friday, 15th  -continue work on IAs     



4 - 8 February


"There are three kinds of men. The one who learns by reading. The few who learn by observation. The rest of them have to pee on the electric fence by themselves."

-Will Rogers



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(I can...


Monday, 4th 

(no notes)

continue work on final draft of IA #1     

Tuesday, 5th 

(no notes)

continue work on final draft of IA #1     
Wednesday, 6th  video: "Newton's Dark Secrets"
  • give examples of how people are more complicated than the historical caricatures presented in textbooks  

Thursday, 7th

(no notes)

continue work on final draft of IA #1 
Friday, 8th  continue work on final draft of IA #1    DUE : IA #1 final draft 



28 Jan - 1 February


"If you are caught on a golf course during a storm and are afraid of lightning, hold up a 1-iron. Not even God can hit a 1-iron."

-Lee Trevino



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(I can...

Monday, 28th  -begin data collection 
  • get 18/18 on my IA #1 
Tuesday, 29th  -finish data collection
-begin data processing 
Wednesday, 30th 

-finish data processing

Thursday, 31st  -begin writing IA     

Friday, 1st

(sub: no notes) 

-finish writing IA

-turn in first draft of  IA

  DUE: IA #1 rough draft (not accepted late



21 - 25 January


"Well begun is half done."




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(I can...

Monday, 21st  NO SCHOOL!     
Tuesday, 22nd

-review IA rubric

-mark sample IB physics IA        

  • mark sample IB Physics internal assessments with results close to official marks

Wednesday, 23rd      

(no notes)      

-mark sample IB physic IA           

Thursday, 24th 

(no notes)

start real IA #1 
  • perform an IB Physics IA 

IA #1

(due Friday, 1 Feb)      

Friday, 25th  continue real IA #1     



14 - 18 January


"Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler."

-Albert Einstein



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(I can...


Monday, 14th

(no notes) 

class time for MP/GRQs    
Tuesday, 15th 

-Qs on HW?

-"HW Quiz" (I'll pick one of the GRQs and change the given numbers) 

  DUE: MP and GRQs 
Wednesday, 16th  Test on all of Relativity (open notes/book, no retake, 2 hour block)    
Thursday, 17th  NO CLASS!     
Friday, 18th  NO SCHOOL!     



7 - 11 January


"All my life through, the new sights of nature made me rejoice like a child."

-Marie Curie



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(I can...


Monday, 7th

(no notes)

class time for MP    
Tuesday, 8th 

-Qs on MP? 

-HW Quiz

  DUE: MP 29-4 to 29-6 
Wednesday, 9th (no notes) video: Einstein's Big Idea


Read 29-7 to 29-8

MP 29-7 to 29-8 (due Tuesday)

Thursday, 10th  L&D: General Relativity  
  • describe & discuss Einstein's Principle of Equivalence and its consequences
  • define and calculate the Schwarzschild radius
  • outline experiments that support General Relativity 

-Read this

-additional HW Qs

Friday, 11th 

L&D cont'd




31 December - 4 January


"Be always at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and let each new year find you a better [person]."

-Benjamin Franklin



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(I can...

Monday, 31st  NO SCHOOL!     
Tuesday, 1st  NO SCHOOL!     
Wednesday, 2nd     

L&D: Consequences of Special Relativity


  • solve 1D problems involving relativistic addition of velocities
  • define rest mass
  • solve problems involving relativistic momentum
  • solve problems involving relativistic energy



Read 29-4 to 29-6

MP (due Tuesday, 8 Jan

Thursday, 3rd 

-L&D: finished up

-class time for MP 

Friday, 4th  class time for MP     



17 - 21 December


"I can calculate the motion of the heavenly bodies, but not the madness of people."

-Isaac Newton (Solar System)



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(I can...

Monday, 17th  Review for Test tomorrow     

Tuesday, 18th 

(sub: no notes)

class time to study (rework old MPs for practice and practice MC)     

Wednesday, 19th         

(sub: no notes)      

class time to study (rework old MPs for practice and practice MC) 



Thursday, 20th 

(no notes)

TEST: Chaps  18 and 29a
Friday, 21st  video: "Special Relativity" from Mechanical Universe 
  • describe and explain relativistic effects on simultaneity 
SR Qs (due at end of class



10 - 14 December


"Put your hand on a hot stove for a minute, and it seems like an hour. Sit with a pretty girl for an hour, and it seems like a minute. That's relativity."

-Albert Einstein



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(I can...

Monday, 10th  -L&D cont'd     
Tuesday, 11th  -class time for MP    
Wednesday, 12th  -class time for MP     
Thursday, 13th 

-class time for MP

Friday, 14th 

-Qs on MP?



DUE: MP 29-1 to 29-3



3 - 7 December


"Time is an illusion. Lunchtime doubly so."

-Douglas Adams



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(I can...

Monday, 3rd  video: "The Information Paradox"     
Tuesday, 4th  choosing 2 HL options     
Wednesday, 5th (no notes) class time for MP 
  • describe what is meant by an inertial frame of reference
  • solve problems involving time dilation
  • solve problems length contraction 

Read 29-1 to 29- 3

MP (due Thurs, 13 Dec

Thursday, 6th (no notes) class time for MP     
Friday, 7th  L&D: "On the Electrodynamics of Moving Bodies"     



26 - 30 November


"You don't use science to show that you're right, you use science to become right."

-Randall Munroe



(click for Notes



(I can...

Monday, 26th  video: Lewin on Thermodynamics



Tuesday, 27th 

L&D: "The End of the Universe"

online lesson: Laws of Thermodynamics (section 5) 

  • define and describe Entropy  

read 18-5, -8, -9

MP (due Friday, 30 Nov


Wednesday, 28th

(no notes) 

class time for MP     
Thursday,29th  Entropy research    Entropy Qs handout (due at end of class
Friday, 30th 

-Qs on MP?


  DUE: MP 



19 - 23 November


"The world is wide, and I will not waste my life in friction, when it could be turned into momentum."

-Frances Willard



(click for Notes



(I can...

Monday, 19th (sub: no notes) class time for MP     
Tuesday, 20th  class time for MP     
Wednesday, 21st 

Qs on MP?


  DUE: MP 18-1 to 18-3 
Thursday, 22nd (no notes) NO SCHOOL!     
Friday, 23rd (no notes) NO SCHOOL!!     



12 - 16 November


"I like work: it fascinates me. I can sit and look at it for hours."

-Jerome K. Jerome



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(I can...

Monday, 12th  continue work on practice IA     
Tuesday, 13th 

finish practice IA

brief presentation 


DUE: Practice IA 
Wednesday, 14th 

L&D: More Thermo

online lesson: Laws of Thermodynamics

  • analyze processes using 1st Thermo Law 
  • draw and interpret P-V diagrams 

Read 18-1 to 18-3

MP 18-1 to 18-3

(due Wednesday,21 Nov)  

Thursday, 15th 

class time for MP



Friday, 16th (no notes)  class time for MP     



5 - 9 November


"Those who are too smart to engage in politics are punished by being governed by those who are dumber."

-popular misquote of Plato



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(I can...

Monday, 5th  design and begin experiment
  • design an experiment (D)
  • collect and process data (DCP)
  • evaluate design and draw conclusions from data (CE)
IB practice Internal Assessment, a.k.a Lab Report, (due Friday)
Tuesday, 6th  continue experiment     
Wednesday, 7th  begin data analysis and lab report    

Thursday, 8th

(sub: no notes) 

continue data analysis and lab report     
Friday, 9th  finish and submit lab report    DUE: IB practice IA 


start of 2nd Quarter

end of 1st Quarter




29 October - 2 November


"Not everything that can be counted counts, and not everything that counts can be counted"

-Albert Einstein


Monday, 29th

-CW: Review for Test on Wednesday, and some time for Climate model (DUE tomorrow)


Tuesday, 30th

-video: "Not Evil, Just Wrong"

-copy Excel climate model into Hand In folder (3rd Hour subfolder)


Wednesday, 31st

-CW: TEST on Energy & Climate (open book)


Thursday, 1st

-CW: Retake or finish video NEJW


Friday, 2nd




22 - 26 October


"Research is what I'm doing when I don't know what I'm doing."

-Wernher von Braun


Monday, 22nd

-class time for HW (bring your IB textbooks)


Tuesday, 23rd

-Qs on HW? HW Quiz


Wednesday, 24th

-video: "Not Evil, Just Wrong"


Thursday, 25th

-CW: begin Climate Modeling project (due Wednesday, 31 Oct)


Friday, 26th

-CW: continue project



15 - 19 October


"The simplest schoolboy is now familiar with truths for which Archimedes would have sacrificed his life."

-Ernest Renan


Monday, 15th

-L&D: Greenhouse effect

-HW: Read Chapter 19, p.300 Q#1-5 & Q#1-3, p.301 Q#1-3, p.304 Q#1-5, HW Quiz Tuesday 23


Tuesday, 16th

-Parent-Teacher conferences: 4:00 - 8:00 pm in small gyms

-LAB: Greenhouse effect simulation


Wednesday, 17th

-Parent-Teacher conferences: 8:00 am - noon in teacher's rooms



Thursday, 18th



Friday, 19th




8 - 12 October


"I would trade all of my technology for an afternoon with Socrates."

-Steve Jobs


Monday, 8th

-L&D: brief review of test, and intro to Topic 8: "Energy, Power and Climate Change"

-HW: Read Chapter 18*, Qs #1-5 (HW Quiz Friday)

* in "Physics Course Companion, the purplish-blue softcover textbook


Tuesday, 9th

-VIDEO: Harnessing Energy


Wednesday, 10th

-CW: Favorite country's energy history 


Thursday, 11th

-CW: Fossil fuels


Friday, 12th

-CW: HW Quiz



1 - 5 October


"But we can understand the Universe. That makes us something very special."

-Stephen Hawking


Monday, 1st

-CW: example problems and classtime for MP (online lesson: Specific and Latent Heat)


Tuesday, 2nd

-LAB: Latent Heat of Fusion for Water

-OPEN HOUSE: 6:00 - 7:30 (Families will go through their student's schedule, 10 min per class)


Wednesday, 3rd

-CW: Qs on MP? HW Quiz


Thursday, 4th

-CW: Review for TEST tomorrow (Chaps 16 & 17)


Friday, 5th

-CW: TEST (Chaps 16 & 17 , 3" x 5"card, IB Data Booklet, your own calc.)



24 - 28 September


"The roots of education are bitter, but the fruit is sweet."



Monday, 24th

-L&D: Ideal Gases and Kinetic Theory

-HW: Read 17-1 to 17-2, MP (HW Quiz Thursday)


Tuesday, 25th

-finish L&D and classtime for MP


Wednesday, 26th

-CW: classtime for MP


Thursday, 27th

-CW: Qs on MP? HW Quiz


Friday, 28th

-L&D: Latent Heat and Phase Changes

-HW: Read 17-5 to 17-6, MP (HW Quiz Wednesday)



17 - 21 September


"Not only is the Universe stranger than we imagine, it is stranger than we can imagine."

-Sir Arthur Eddington


Monday, 17th

-LAB: Specific Heat (virtual)


Tuesday, 18th

-CW: Qs on MP


Wednesday, 19th

-CW: class time for...monkey gun (no internet)


Thursday, 20th

-CW: video "The Conquest of Cold" in room 137


Friday, 21st

-CW: class time for MP, then HW Quiz



10 - 14 September


"If everything seems under control, you're just not going fast enough."

-Mario Andretti


Monday, 10th

-CW: Qs on MP? HW Quiz


Tuesday, 11th

-LAB: Extrapolating to Absolute Zero


Wednesday, 12th

-L&D: Specific Heat Capacity (online lesson: Specific and Latent Heat, just section 1)

-HW: Read 16-5, MP (HW Quiz Wed)


Thursday, 13th

-CW: class time for MP


Friday, 14th

-LAB: Identifying metals by their specific heat capacity



3 - 7 September


"Mystery creates wonder and wonder is the basis of man's desire to understand."

-Neil Armstrong


Monday, 3rd



Tuesday, 4th

-L&D: Temperature and Heat (online lesson: Temperature and Heat)

-HW: Read 16-1, 16-2, 16-4, MP (HW Quiz Monday)


Wednesday, 5th

-CW: Video: "The Conquest of Cold: the Search for Absolute Zero"


Thursday, 6th

-L&D: Relationships between Pressure & Temperature, and Heat & Work


Friday, 7th

-CW: classtime for MP



27 - 31 August


"In Science, there is only Physics, all the rest is stamp collecting."

-Ernest Rutherford (btw, he won the 1908 Nobel Prize in Chemistry)


Monday, 27th

-Lecture&Discussion (L&D): Intro to Physics, syllabus and safety

-Classwork (CW): student survey (due today), check out physical textbook (bring your student ID), 

-Homework (HW): get safety contract signed, get a scientific calculator w/ your name on it (due Friday)


Tuesday, 28th

-L&D: What is Science? Science as a way of knowing

-CW: Mechanics pre-test (due today)


Wednesday, 29th

-CW: evaluating scientific arguments, video "Conspiracy Theory: Did We Land on the Moon?" (sheet due Friday)


Thursday, 30th

-CW: evaluating scientific arguments continued, video "Mythbusters: Moon Myths" (sheet due Friday)


Friday, 31st

-CW: make a MasteringPhysics (MP) account: click here to begin

-DUE: both video sheets, scientific calculator w/ your name on it, signed safety contract


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