
IB PHYSICS SL Weekly Schedule 2011-2012

Page history last edited by Anonymous 12 years, 7 months ago


4 - 8 June


"Deep summer is when laziness finds respectability."

-Sam Keen


"There's never enough time to do all the nothing you want."

-Calvin (Bill Watterson)


“A perfect day is when the sun is shining, the breeze is blowing, the birds are singing, and the lawnmower is broken.”

-James Dent


Monday, 4th



Tuesday, 5th



Wednesday, 6th




28 May - 1 June


"Experience is the worst teacher; it gives the test before presenting the lesson."

-Vern Law


Monday, 28th



Tuesday, 29th

-Review for 2nd Semester Final Exam (Tuesday, 5 June 2012)

-covers 3rd and 4th quarter material (chapters 19,21,22 and 14,28,26)

-your own calculator, AP Eq'n sheet, and one 8.5" x 11" notesheet (both sides)


Wednesday, 30th


-Review continued


Thursday, 31st

-Review continued


Friday, 1st

-LN2 ice cream and other demos



21 - 25 May


"There are children playing in the streets who could solve some of my top problems in physics, because they have modes of sensory perception that I lost long ago."

-J. Robert Oppenheimer (American Prometheus)


Monday, 21st

-CW: Qs on MP? HW QUIZ (two problems)


Tuesday, 22nd


CW: Valleyfair prep


Wednesday, 23rd

-VALLEYFAIR (go to 1st hour, dismissal by announcement)

-CW: alternative assignment for those in class


Thursday, 24th

-CW: Review for Test tomorrow


Friday, 25th

-TEST: Diffraction, Refraction and Lenses (parts of Chaps 26 and 28)



14 - 18 May


"About light I am in the dark."

-Benjamin Franklin


Monday, 14th

-CW: Qs on MP? HW Quiz


Tuesday, 15th

-L&D: Refraction and Lenses (Reflection&Refraction, skip reflection, Lenses)

-ray tracing diagram videos: Converging A, Converging B, Diverging

-HW: Read 26-5 to 26-7 MP (HW Quiz Monday, two problems)


Wednesday, 16th

-CW: Ray tracing diagrams


Thursday, 17th

-LAB: Estimate focal length of lens (formal lab report due Thur, 24 May)


Friday, 18th

-CW: class time for MP



7 - 11 May


“Twinkle, twinkle little star

I don’t wonder what you are

For by the spectroscopic ken

I know you are hydrogen.”

-Lewis Fry Richardson


Monday, 7th



Tuesday, 8th

-L&D: Diffraction (online lesson: Interference and Diffraction)

-HW: Read 28-1 to 28-4, 28-6, MP (HW Quiz Monday, 2 problems like the old way)


Wednesday, 9th

-L&D: Subtleties of Diffraction and its practical uses

-CW: some class time for MP


Thursday, 10th

-CW: class time for MP


Friday, 11th

-LAB: Laser diffraction



30 April - 4 May


"The observer, when he seems to himself to be observing a stone, is really, if physics is to be believed, observing the effects of the stone upon himself."

-Bertrand Russell


Monday, 30th

-CW: Class time for MP


Tuesday, 1st



Wednesday, 2nd

-CW: Qs on MP? HW Quiz


Thursday, 3rd

-CW: Review for Test tomorrow


Friday, 4th

-CW: TEST on chapter 14 (Sound)



23 - 27 April


"In physics, you don't have to go around making trouble for yourself - nature does it for you."

-Frank Wilczek


Monday, 23rd

-L&D: Making nothing out of somethings (online lesson: Standing Waves)

-HW: Read 14-6 to 14-8, MP (HW Quiz #1 Thursday, Ps#51-55)


Tuesday, 24th

-CW: class time for MP


Wednesday, 25th

-LAB: Speed of Sound in Methane (and s'mores)


Thursday, 26th

-CW: Qs on MP? HW Quiz #1


Friday, 27th

-L&D: Strings and Winds (online lessons: Sound Waves & Doppler Shift, only concepts, not eq'ns

-(HW Quiz #2 Wednesday, Ps#57-77)



16 - 20 April


"I'm spending a year dead for tax reasons."

-Douglas Adams


Monday, 16th

-L&D: Standing Waves (online lesson: Standing Waves)

-HW: Read 14-1 to 14-5 (skip -3), MP (HW Quiz #2 Friday)


Tuesday, 17th

-MCAs in the morning: periods 1,2,3

-CW: no class for 2nd hour, class time for MP for 4th hour


Wednesday, 18th

-MCAs in the morning: periods 1,2,3

-CW: no class for 2nd hour, class time for MP for 4th hour


Thursday, 19th

-CW: class time for MP


Friday, 20th

-CW: Qs on MP? HW Quiz



9 - 13 April


"A physicist is an atom's way of knowing about atoms."

-George Wald


Monday, 9th

-CW: vote on topics for 4th quarter, survey on new HW quiz format


Tuesday, 10th

-L&D: Intro to Waves (online lessons: Wave Basics, Traveling Waves)

-HW: Read 14-1 to 14-5 (skip -3), MP (HW Quiz #1 Friday)


Wednesday, 11th

-Brief L&D: Intensity

-Virtual LAB: Characteristics of Waves


Thursday, 12th

-CW: class time for MP


Friday, 13th

-CW: Qs on MP? HW Quiz #1 (P14.1, 2, 3, 5)



2 - 6 April




26 - 30 March


"We do not see the lens through which we look."

-Ruth Benedict


Monday, 26th

-LAB: Building Electric Motor


Tuesday, 27th

-LAB: Building Electric Motor


Wednesday, 28th

-LAB: Building Electric Motor


Thursday, 29th

-Video: Quantum Leap


Friday, 30th




19 - 23 March


"A little Madness in the Spring

Is wholesome even for the King."

-Emily Dickinson


Monday, 19th

-CW: Qs on MP? HW Quiz #1


Tuesday, 20th

-L&D: Circular Motion and Circular B-Fields (see last week for online lessons)


Wednesday, 21st

-CW: class time for MP


Thursday, 22nd

-LAB: B-Field around a wire


Friday, 23rd

-CW: Qs on MP? HW Quiz #2

-Take-home TEST (due Monday when you walk into class, no exceptions)



12 - 16 March


"Washington is the only place where sound travels faster than light."

-C.V.R. Thompson


Monday, 12th

-CW: Review for Test tomorrow


Tuesday, 13th

-CW: TEST on Circuits (Chap 21)


Wednesday, 14th

-L&D: Magnetic Fields (online lessons: Forces on Moving Charges, Forces on Current-carrying Wires, Fields of Long Wires)

-HW: Read 22-1 to 22-4, 22-6 (skip -5,-7.-8), MP (HW Quiz Monday)


Thursday, 15th

-CW: class time for MP


Friday, 16th

-CW: Video "NOVA: Magnetic Storm!"



5 - 9 March


"Magnetism is one of the Six Fundamental Forces of the Universe, with the other five being Gravity, Duct Tape, Whining, Remote Control, and the Force That Pulls Dogs To The Groins Of Strangers."

-Dave Barry


Monday, 5th

-CW: class time for MP


Tuesday, 6th

-L&D: More on the cost of electric energy and complex circuits

-CW: Electric energy worksheet (due Friday)


Wednesday, 7th

-CW: Qs on MP? HW Quiz


Thursday, 8th

-COURSE FAIR (go to all your normal classes)

-mini-LAB: Make a three-way switch (virtual)


Friday, 9th

-CW: Qs on MP? HW Quiz, electric energy worksheet due



27 Feb - 2 March


"Nnoooo...not the magnet!"



Monday, 27th

-CW: class time for MP?


Tuesday, 28th

-CW: Qs on MP? HW Quiz #2


Wednesday, 29th

-LAB: What is the resistance of a light bulb? (partial typed lab report: raw data, data analysis, conclusion)


Thursday, 1st

-Parent/Teacher Conferences 4 - 8 pm in small gyms

-L&D: "But what if there's more than one resistor?" (online lesson: Circuits w/ Batteries and Resistors, skip section 6)

-HW: Read 21-4 to 21-5, MP (HW Quiz Wed)


Friday, 2nd

-Parent/Teacher Conferences 8 am - noon in teacher classrooms




20 - 24 Feb


"Edison failed 10, 000 times before he made the electric light. Do not be discouraged if you fail a few times."

-Napoleon Hill


Monday, 20th



Tuesday, 21st

-CW: class time for MP


Wednesday, 22nd

-Virtual Lab: Ohm's Law


Thursday, 23rd

-CW: Qs on MP? HW Quiz #1


Friday, 24th

-L&D: Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely. (HW Quiz #2 Tuesday)



13 - 17 Feb


"There are three kinds of men. The one who learns by reading. The few who learn by observation. The rest of them have to pee on the electric fence by themselves."

-Will Rogers


Monday, 13th

-LAB: Electric Field design


Tuesday, 14th

-CW: Review for Test on Chap 19


Wednesday, 15th

-CW: Review for Test on Chap 19


Thursday, 16th

-CW: TEST: Electrostatics (Chap 19), 3" x 5" card, your own calculator


Friday, 17th

-L&D: Practical everyday electricity, or at least closer to it... (online lesson: Current, Resistance and Power, sections 2 and 5 are "for fun" :)

-HW: Read 21-1 to 21-3, MP (HW Quiz #1 Thursday, #2 Tuesday)



6 - 10 Feb


"Time is an illusion. Lunchtime doubly so."

-Douglas Adams


Monday, 6th

-L&D: Electric Field Math


Tuesday, 7th (sub: no notes)

-Video: "The Illusion of Time" 


Wednesday, 8th

-CW class time for MP


Thursday, 9th

-2nd hour: class time for MP

-4th hour: Presentation on the Kepler Mission (finding exoplanets) by Dr. Skillman from U of M.


Friday, 10th

-CW: Qs on MP? HW Quiz



30 Jan - 3 Feb


"If you are caught on a golf course during a storm and are afraid of lightning, hold up a 1-iron. Not even God can hit a 1-iron."

-Lee Trevino


Monday 30th

-LAB: Electroscope (partial lab report due Friday: raw data, data analysis, conclusion)


Tuesday, 31st

-CW: class time for MP and lab report


Wednesday, 1st

-CW: class time for MP and lab report


Thursday, 2nd

-CW: Qs on MP? HW Quiz


Friday, 3rd

-L&D: Force fields: they're a real thing, not just sci-fi nonsense (online lesson: Electric Fields)

-DUE: partial lab report: Electroscope

-HW: Read 19-4 to 19-6, MP (HW Quiz Friday)



23 - 27 January


"Well begun is half done."



Monday, 23rd



Tuesday, 24th

-Video: Lightning! (humanity's first interaction with electricity?)

-HW: Read 19-1 to 19-3


Wednesday, 25th

-L&D: Introduction to Electromagnetism (EM) (online lesson: Electric Charges and Coulomb's Law)

-HW: MP (HW Quiz next Thursday)


Thursday, 26th

-L&D: Charging, and FBDs again!

-CW: classtime for MP


Friday, 27th

-CR/NC contract due (no exceptions)

-LAB: Follow the electrons!

-CW: class time for MP



3rd Quarter


2nd Quarter



16 - 20 January


"One had to cram all this stuff into one's mind for the examinations, whether one liked it or not. This coercion had such a deterring effect on me that, after I had passed the final examination, I found the consideration of any scientific problems distasteful to me for an entire year."

-Albert Einstein


Monday, 16th (NO SCHOOL!)


Tuesday, 17th

-CW: Continue Review for 1st Semester Final Exam: Chaps (1),2,(3),4,5,7,8,12


Wednesday, 18th

-CW: Continue Review for 1st Semester Final Exam: Chaps (1),2,(3),4,5,7,8,12


Thursday, 19th



Friday, 20th

-optional morning review 7:30 - 8:15

-CW: 1st Semester Final Exam: Chaps (1),2,(3),4,5,7,8,12



9 - 13 January


"Be always at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and let each new year find you a better man."

-Benjamin Franklin


Monday, 9th

-L&D: brief review of G vs. g

-CW: class time for MP


Tuesday, 10th

-LAB: How does ... affect the force of gravity?


Wednesday, 11th

-CW: Video: "Black Holes: The Ultimate Abyss"


Thursday, 12th

-CW: Qs on MP? HW Quiz


Friday, 13th

-CW: begin review for semester final



19 - 23 December


"I can calculate the motion of the heavenly bodies, but not the madness of people."

-Isaac Newton (Solar System)


Monday, 19th

-CW: Qs on MP? HW Quiz


Tuesday, 20th

-CW: IB practice problems


Wednesday, 21st

-CW: Review for Test tomorrow


Thursday, 22nd

-CW: TEST on Work and Conservation of Energy (parts of Chaps 7 & 8)


Friday 23rd

-L&D: "Gravity with a BIG G"

-HW: Read 12-1 to 12-2, MP (HW Quiz Thursday, 12 January)



12 - 16 December


"I was born not knowing and have had only a little time to change that here and there."

-Richard Feynman


Monday, 12th

-CW: work on lab report (due at end of day)


Tuesday, 13th

-L&D: "Liberal & Conservative Forces" (online lessons: Conservative Forces, Conservation of Energy)

-HW: Read 8-1 to 8-4, MP (HW Quiz Monday)


Wednesday, 14th

-CW: class time for MP


Thursday, 15th

-LAB: Conservation of energy

-CW: Class time for MP


Friday, 16th

-LAB continued: Conservation of energy



5 - 9 December


"You do not really understand something unless you can explain it to your grandmother."

-Albert Einstein


Monday, 5th

-LAB: Work done by air resistance (formal lab report due Monday, 12 Dec)


Tuesday, 6th

-CW: class time for MP


Wednesday, 7th

-LAB: air resistance continued...


Thursday, 8th

-CW: Qs on MP? HW Quiz 7-1 to 7-3

-CW: classtime for MP and Parachute lab (how to make Excel do your work for you)


Friday, 9th

-CW: IB practice problems

-CW: Qs on MP? HW Quiz 7-1 to 7-3



28 November - 2 December


"The world is wide, and I will not waste my life in friction, when it could be turned into momentum."

-Frances Willard


Monday, 28th

-CW: Review for Test on Wed: Concepts and multiple choice


Tuesday, 29th

-CW: Review for Test on Wed: FBDs, Sum of Forces and problem solving


Wednesday, 30th

-CW: TEST: Newton's Laws of Motion, Chapter 5 (3" x 5" card, AP eq'n sheet, own calculator, no cell phones, etc.)


Thursday, 1st

-L&D: "Work, a curse or part of the plan?" (online lesson: Work and Work-Energy Theorem)

-HW: Read 7-1 to 7-3, MP (HW Quiz Thursday)


Friday, 2nd

-LAB: Work done by air resistance (formal lab report)

-L&D: Work done by variable forces, specifically springs



21 - 25 November


"I like work: it fascinates me. I can sit and look at it for hours."

-Jerome K. Jerome


Monday, 21st

-CW: review of FBDs

-mini-LAB: Brick on a plank


Tuesday, 22nd

-Qs on MP? HW Quiz

-looking ahead: Chapter 5 Test on Tuesday, 29 November


Wednesday, 23rd



Thursday, 24th



Friday, 25th




14 - 18 November


"You don't use science to show that you're right, you use science to become right."

-Randall Munroe


Monday, 14th

-CW: Qs on MP? HW Quiz

-HW: Read 5-5 to 5-7, MP (HW Quiz Tuesday, 22 Nov)


Tuesday, 15th

-LAB: Ramp: Forces and Motion (click here or open Hand Outs folder)


Wednesday, 16th

-L&D: Forces as vectors and the difference between mass and weight (online lesson: Apps of Newton's Laws)


Thursday, 17th

-CW: class time for MP


Friday, 18th

-CW: class time for MP and a field trip to the elevator!



7 - 11 November


"The product of the human brain has escaped the control of human hands. This is the comedy of Science."

-Karel Capek (co-inventor of the word 'robot')


Monday, 7th

-L&D: Intro to Sir Isaac's Three Laws of Motion (online lessons: Newton's First Law, Newton's Second Law, Newton's Third Law)

-HW: Read 5-1 to 5-4, MP (HW Quiz Friday)


Tuesday, 8th

-CW: class time for MP and a field trip to the elevator!


Wednesday, 9th

-LAB: Find the Mystery Mass!


Thursday, 10th

-CW: class time for MP


Friday, 11th SUB

-CW: Qs on MP? HW Quiz

-CW: class time for MP 


start of 2nd Quarter

end of 1st Quarter



31 Oct - 4 November


"Not everything that can be counted counts, and not everything that counts can be counted"

-Albert Einstein


Monday, 31st

-CW: Review for Test tomorrow


Tuesday, 1st

-CW: TEST on Chapter 4 (3" x 5" card, AP Eq'n sheet, and your own calculator)


Wednesday, 2nd

-CW: Retake Tests


Thursday, 3rd

-CW: Retake Tests


Friday, 4th




24 - 28 October


"Science progresses best when observations force us to alter our preconceptions."

-Vera Rubin


Monday, 24th

-L&D: Launching projectiles at any angle

-CW: Bowman sheet and intro to lab reports

-HW: Read 4-4 to 4-5, MP (HW Quiz Friday)


Tuesday, 25th

-LAB: The effect of launch angle on range, with and without air resistance (DUE: Monday)


Wednesday, 26th

-LAB: cont'd


Thursday, 27th

-CW: class time for MP


Friday, 28th

-CW: Qs on MP? HW Quiz



17 - 21 October


"The simplest schoolboy is now familiar with truths for which Archimedes would have sacrificed his life."

-Ernest Renan


Monday, 17th

-CW: class time to finish lab and/or MP


Tuesday, 18th

-Parent-Teacher conferences: 4:00 - 8:00 pm in small gyms

-CW: Qs on MP? HW Quiz


Wednesday, 19th

-Parent-Teacher conferences: 8:00 am - noon in teacher's rooms



Thursday, 20th



Friday, 21st




10 - 14 October


"I would trade all of my technology for an afternoon with Socrates."

-Steve Jobs


Monday, 10th

-CW: checking out books, and finishing Bowman tournament


Tuesday, 11th

-L&D: How's it going in IB Physics SL?


Wednesday, 12th

-L&D: Review of EMUAs


Thursday, 13th

-L&D: Working through 4.7 and 4.12 together


Friday, 14th

-LAB: Projectile motion (PhET)



3 - 7 October


"But we can understand the Universe. That makes us something very special."

-Stephen Hawking


Monday, 3rd

-CW: Qs on MP? HW Quiz


Tuesday, 4th

-CW: more practice with vector addition


Wednesday, 5th

-CW: Review for Test


Thursday, 6th

-CW: TEST on Chapter 3 (3" x 5" notecard, AP eq'n sheet, your own calculator)


Friday, 7th

-L&D: How to win at Bowman (online lesson)

-CW: Bowman Tournament

-HW: Read 4-1 to 4-3, MP (HW QUIZ Tuesday, 18 Oct)



26 - 30 September


"Not only is the Universe stranger than we imagine, it is stranger than we can imagine."

-Sir Arthur Eddington


Monday, 26th

-L&D: Trig for Vectors

-LAB: continuing Vector Addition Lab


Tuesday, 27th

-L&D: Adding Vectors

-LAB: finishing Vector Addition Lab


Wednesday, 28th

-CW: practice finding components, magnitude and direction


Thursday, 29th

-CW: class time for MP


Friday, 30th

-CW: class time for MP



19 - 23 September


"The roots of education are bitter, but the fruit is sweet."



Monday, 19th

-CW: Qs on MP? HW Quiz


Tuesday, 20th

-Review for TEST on Thursday


Wednesday, 21st

-Review for TEST tomorrow


Thursday, 22nd

-TEST on Chapter 2 (3" x 5" card, calculator, AP eq'n sheet)


Friday, 23rd

-L&D: To point or not to point, that is the question (yeah, that probably sounds better in the original Klingon)

-HW: Read 3-1 to 3-4, MP (HW Quiz Thursday)



12 - 16 September


"Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler."

-Albert Einstein


Monday, 12th

-Qs on MP?

-HW Quiz


Tuesday, 13th

-L&D: Intro to the EMUAs, (online lesson, same as before)

-HW: Read 2-4 to 2-7, MP (HW Quiz Monday)


Wednesday, 14th

-LAB: EMUA Verification


Thursday, 15th

-CW: MP 2-4 to 2-7


Friday, 16th

-LAB: Free fall using video analysis



5 - 9 September


"If everything seems under control, you're just not going fast enough."

-Mario Andretti


Monday, 5th



Tuesday, 6th

-L&D: Qs on MP? Intro to one-dimensional motion (online lesson)

-CW: HW Quiz

-HW: Read 2-1 to 2-3, MP 2-1 to 2-3 (HW Quiz Monday)


Wednesday, 7th

-LAB: Intro to Motion Detector


Thursday, 8th

-L&D: "Are you moving right now? If so, to where and how fast?"

-CW: classtime for MP


Friday, 9th

-CW: classtime for MP



29 August - 2 September


"In Science, there is only Physics, all the rest is stamp collecting."

-Ernest Rutherford (who, btw, won the 1908 Nobel Prize in Chemistry)


Monday, 29th

-Lecture&Discussion (L&D): Intro to Physics, syllabus and safety

-Classwork (CW): student survey, mechanics pre-test

-DUE: student survey, mechanics pre-test


Tuesday, 30th

-L&D: Intro to MasteringPhysics (MP)

-CW: make MP acct, begin MP Intro online assignment (due wednesday midnight)


Wednesday, 31st

-CW: MP Intro

-HW: Read 1-1 to 1-8

-DUE: MP Intro (by midnight)


Thursday, 1st

-L&D: Units are your friend

-CW: begin MP 1-1 to 1-8

-HW: MP 1-1 to 1-8 (due by Monday midnight)


Friday, 2nd

-L&D: To point or not to point

-CW: MP 1-1 to 1-8

-DUE: signed safety contract, scientific calculator w/ your name on it

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